Torn City

In Torn City, jobs are what provide your income. There is no special work required, and all users are paid at 24:00 Torn City Time (Unless you are working for Player-Regulated Companies that may have other payment options for their workers). Jobs are not necessary for income, however. If you have no job your happiness will regenerate at a faster rate than with a job. Jobs have job stat requirements and if you do not meet them you cannot work at the job (Unless you're a new player and are joining a starter job, in which case your stats don't matter).

It should also be noted that some of the information given below may be outdated due to the recent update that greatly changed the gain and use of Job Points and on Job Specials (but this only includes starter jobs listed below).


This is the job where you are a member of the armed forces. Its main characteristic is manual.


Rank Income(Daily) Manual Intelligence Endurance Army Points Gained Army Points Needed
Private $125 2 2 2 1 0
Corporal $150 50 15 20 2 5
Sergeant $180 120 35 50 200*level 10
Master Sergeant $220 325 60 115 250*level 1800
Warrant Officer $225 700 160 300 300*level 2200
Lieutenant $325 1300 360 595 350*level 2250
Major $550 2550 490 900 400*level 3250
Colonel $755 4150 600 1100 450*level 5500
Brigadier $1000 7500 1350 2530 500*level 7550
General $2500 10000 2000 4000 550*level 10,000

Special Abilities

Ability Effects Costs Rank Gained
Strength Boost +0.001 Strength 1 Army Point Private
Steal A Weapon Same 10 Army Points Major
Defence Boost +0.001 Defence 1 Army Point ?
Hire A Spy Stats of a Player 10 Army Points & $5,000 Master Sergeant



This is the job where you work as a member of the medical staff. Its main characteristic is intelligence.

Rank:Medical student Income:$400 per day Manual:0 Intelligence:300 Endurance:0
Rank:Houseman Income:$600 per day Manual:100 Intelligence:600 Endurance: 150

Rank:Senior houseman

Income:$950 per day Manual:175 Intelligence:1000 Endurance: 275
Rank:GP Income:$1500 per day Manual:300 Intelligence:1500 Endurance: 500
Rank:Consultant Income:$3000 per day Manual:600 Intelligence:2500 Endurance: 1000
Rank:Surgeon Income:$5000 per day Manual:1300 Intelligence:5000 Endurance: 2000
Rank:Brain surgeon  Income:$7000 per day Manual:3000 Intelligence:10000 Endurance: 4000


Special Abilities

Ability Effects Costs Rank Gained
Steal Small First Aid Kit Same 2000 Medical Points Houseman
Steal First Aid Kit Same 4000 Medical Points Senior Houseman
Steal Morphine Same 7500 Medical Points GP [General Practitioner]
Revive Someone* Same 75 Energy Brain Surgeon

*Note: To revive someone you must view the hospital and select the person you wish to revive by clicking revive to the right of their name.


This is the job where you work in the school system. Its main characteristic is intelligence.


Rank Income(Daily) JobPoints Promotion Manual(gained) Intelligence(gained) Endurance(gained) Manual Intelligence Endurance
Recess Supervisor $300 300 x level 0 8 10 9 0 500 0
Substitue Teacher $400 350 x level 3000 13 15 14 300 750 500
Elementary Teacher $600 400 x level 4000 15 20 17 600 1000 700
Secondary Teacher $850 450 x level 6000 20 25 20 1000 1300 1000
Professor $1000 500 x level 8500 25 30 25 1500 2000 1500
Vice Principal $1750 550 x level 10000 30 35 30 1500 3000 1500
Principal $3250 600 x level 17500 30 40 30 1500 5000 1500

Special Abilities

Ability Effects Costs Rank Gained
Read A Book 100+ Intelligence 10000 Education Points Recess Supervisor


This is the job where you work as a lawyer and a judge in the court system. Its main characteristic is endurance.


Rank Income(Daily) Manual Intelligence Endurance
Law Student 150 1500 1500 2000
Paralegal $600 1700 3500 5000
Probate Lawyer $750 2500 5000 7500
Trial Lawyer $1,500 3500 6500 7750
Circuit Court Judge $2,500 4000 7250 10000
Federal Judge $5,000 6000 9000 15000

Special Abilities

Ability Effects Costs Rank Gained
Use Personal Trainer 100+ Endurance 10000 Law Points Law Student
This page uses content from Wikipedia's Torn City article. See Copyrights for details.

10% increase succes crime rate (passive)
